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louis vuitton outletBomb disposal experts spent 10 hours trying to free a young woman who had a suspected bomb strapped around her neck at her home in the North Shore suburb of Mosman.Eighteen-year-old Madeleine Pulver was finally freed about midnight after an operation which included explosives experts from the Australian Federal Police and the British military.But police later confirmed the box-shaped device which had been strapped around her neck was a fake.Assistant Commissioner Mark Murdoch said the man who strapped the bomb to Ms Pulver had left instructions which contained a "precise ... serious threat".The first two hours of the


louis vuitton outletdelicate operation were left to a junior female officer who was left alone with the 18-year-old to make sure she did not move.Commissioner Murdoch said the policewoman had no specialist training or protective gear."When you consider the young woman was just a young woman herself, I suppose she put herself in Madeleine's mother's position and there was no way she was going to leave Madeleine alone and unsupported," he said.The investigation is being led by the Robbery and Serious Crime Squad, which deals with extortion.Ms Pulver is the daughter of William and Belinda Pulver, who are reportedly one of Sydney's wealthiest


louis vuitton outletcouples.Detectives are investigating whether the Pulver family has been threatened in the past but are refusing to say whether the bomb scare is linked to a recent series of extortion attempts threatening harm to the children of Sydney families.Neighbours shocked Photo: William Pulver hugs his daughter Madeleine Pulver, who had a fake bomb strapped around her neck at the family's Mosman home on Sydney's North Shore on August 3, 2011. (AAP: Supplied) The family's neighbours on Burrawong Avenue include racing identity Gai Waterhouse.A neighbour and friend of the family who did not want to be named told the ABC he was shocked by last night's events.He said when he first heard of the incident he thought it was a joke."If there is anyone to keep it together the whole time, through the whole of the ordeal, it would be her. She is probably the strongest person I reckon in that situation," he said.Another neighbour said the events had unnerved her family and her neighbourhood."I think anybody living around the area is unnerved," she said."I am so pleased for the family, mainly the mother. I've got a teenage daughter and that's the thing, you want them to be safe."'Sophisticated device'Earlier this morning Commissioner Murdoch described the fake bomb as a "very elaborate, very sophisticated device"."The manner in which it was located in proximity to the young lady was such that it has taken us the better part of 10 hours to secure her release," he said."Certainly anything that has taken us and our bomb techs, who are amongst the best in the business anywhere in the world, taken them 10 hours to come to grips with, and make sure that the young lady is safe, is a big task."The device and the scene, as best we could, were examined for explosives on a number of occasions."He insisted it was too early to speculate on a motive for the crime."Certainly the family are at a loss to explain this, but you wouldn't expect someone would go to this much trouble if there wasn't a motive behind it," he said.Police are

Par mylovename le jeudi 04 août 2011


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